How does that old adage go? Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’s gonna get really sick of eating so much fish all the time.

I believe that skills are best when shared, and that communities can only grow when we share our knowledge and expertise. Sometimes the best way to learn is through teaching, and it has been my great pleasure to lead trainings, give speeches, and present workshops all around the world both on the use of social media for advocacy, and about the history of drag performance.

Check out a few recordings of my favorite presentations below, and contact me to help put together a presentation for your next event!

Social Media for Non Profit Advocacy

Webinar Presentation • MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights • September 2020

Part 1: Strategy

Part 2: Content Creation

Mama Celeste’s Rules of Drag

Public Speaking Engagement • Creative Mornings | Oakland • June 2019

