Good design is bold, colorful, easy to read. Fine. GREAT design tells a story, conveys a feeling, evokes a deeper meaning by the way each component part is arranged.

Graphic design was my original entry point into the world of communications, and it continues to inform all of the work that I do. Whether Iā€™m putting together a photo collage for an art project, an infographic for social media, or an entire program book for a corporate event, the basic idea is always the same: keep the message simple, and the vision clear.

Take a look at some of my favorite work from over the years and send me a message to work together to design your next project!

GMHR Infographic.jpg

Data Infographic | MPact Global Action | 2020


Custom Illustration & Logo Design | Club Poppers | 2017

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Poster Design & Custom Typography | SLC Office of Events | 2015

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Digital Photo Collage | Trish Collective | 2019

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Research Publication Design | MPact Global Action | 2017


Event Program

Book | Out & Equal | 2016


Video Production

